In that photo there is what I’m hoping to be hauling in my food box next week: pounds of strawberries (among other goodies).
On June 9th I’ll be picking up a box of food from the local CSA (community supported agriculture) I joined, Riverland Farm. We’ll see, but it should be a great deal. I’ve done a few things to feel like I’m getting the most from my investment:
- I’ll be blogging about my weekly food pick-up, and maybe create some videos too (reviving my Farm Report feature).
- I’m writing a book about how to maximize the value of your farm share, or any other kind of CSA share. That’s a work in progress that will hopefully be finished when I pick up my last box in October. I’ve been working on the outline for a few weeks.
- The farm share, a weekly box of organic vegetables, is the foundation of a lifestyle change I’m trying to make. By the end of these 23 weeks I’m hoping to hard wire more healthy eating habits into my brain (and body, obviously).
Quick Tip: as a member of the UMassFive Credit Union, I receive a no-interest loan to pay for the farm share (paid off over 6 months). It’s a great deal for low income people to give them access to great local food, plus it supports the farming community. Maybe your credit union gives loans like that?
Photo by kaymoshusband and republished here under a Creative Commons license.